Break The Cycle of Perfectionism and Regret
Share viaAre you stuck in a cycle of perfectionism and regret that’s holding you back from living your fullest life?
Perfectionism results in lost time and opportunity, which leads to regret.
Do you cope with regret by doubling down on getting it right next time? That’s perfectionism.
It’s a vicious self-perpetuating and self-defeating cycle.
The way to break free is to embrace vulnerability, imperfection, loss and healthy conflict.
Rather than seeing these things as existential threats, you could use them as catalysts to become more human.
How? Compassionate accountability; the practice of struggling with yourself and others to uplift human value, capability and responsibility. It’s a mindset, skillset, and toolkit for living your fullest life.
Here are a coupe resources to get started:
- Change your relationship with regret with this terrific book by Dan Pink.
- How do you know if you are overdoing it?
Copyright Next Element Consulting, LLC 2023
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