Top Takeaways From The 2016 World Leader’s Conference: Episode 2

Posted on March 9, 2016 by Nate Regier / 0 comments
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WorldLeadersConferenceOn March 2-3 I attended the World Leader’s Conference in West Palm Beach, FL. I was fortunate to hear and spend time with a terrific group of leaders and leadership gurus. From Tony Robbins to Ken Blanchard, Erwin McManus to John Maxwell, every minute was packed with powerful takeaways.

Ken Blanchard urged each of us to talk about and share what we learned, not let it gather dust once back in our busy lives. This is the second in a three-part series where I share with you some of the nuggets I gleaned from this experience.

At the top of the ladder is not the genius. It’s the genius-maker. – Liz Wiseman

Liz shared research from her book, Multipliers, demonstrating that about 15% of what we know today will still be relevant in five years. “Don’t let what you know get in the way of what you don’t know,” she urged leaders, describing the difference between multipliers (those who amplify and enhance others intelligence in a spirit of curiosity) and diminishers (those who need to be the smartest person in the room). Multipliers get twice the value out of an employee than other leaders. Wiseman’s concepts dovetail nicely with our concept of the compassion skill of Resourceful vs. the drama role Rescuing. Multipliers is a great read for anyone who’s participated in our Leading Out of Drama programs and would like further resources on how to avoid rescuing. You can even take a free quiz to find out if you are an accidental diminisher.

Key Takeaway: Learning is born in the struggle. Lead with curiosity and a passion to amplify, elevate, and multiply the intelligence all around you. Remember that the more you know, the less open you are to new learning.


The most powerful thing a leader can tell another person is “I believe in you.” – Tommy Spaulding

Spaulding was the youngest president and CEO of the world-renowned leadership organization, Up with People. His message is about heart-based leadership. Spaulding shared numerous stories and research to support the critical importance of openness and connection between leaders and their followers. Blending love and results is the key to great leadership! I spoke with Tommy about our concept of Compassionate Accountability, which he agreed is a sorely missing leadership competency in today’s marketplace.

Key Takeaway: The longest journey is from your head to your heart. Love and results can co-exist, and it’s called Compassionate Accountability. Believe in people and hold them accountable. Don’t compromise either one! Here’s a podcast I did on the topic.


Life is unbearable only to those who are ignorant as to why they are alive. – Fulton Sheen

Ken Blanchard, one of the giants in the leadership community, argued that there is no suffering for people who are clear about their purpose. Struggling is part of the journey for people who are pursuing a greater purpose. Suffering is optional. Both Blanchard and Tony Robbins believe that suffering is a choice and is determined by attitude more than the situation. Blanchard also admonished leaders in the room to focus more on relationships. “Great leaders are great at having conversations with people,” he said. Blanchard’s all time best-selling book, The One Minute Manager, has been updated to recognize the reality of a more flattened hierarchy among Millennials and greater focus on relationship-building. I spoke with Ken about the need for healthy conflict and he reinforced his belief that conflict is a necessary leadership skill and can be done in a spirit of humility and dignity.

Key Takeaway: As a leader, it’s paramount that you are clear about your boundaries, purpose, and non-negotiables. Then, struggling alongside others in a spirit of compassion can help you lead teams and organizations to great heights.


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