Compassionate Accountability, Decision Makers, Leadership, Speaking
How Do Positive And Negative Interactions Change Your Brain?
Brain research looking at what happens in a person’s brain following positive and negative interactions illustrates why it’s so critical for each of us, especially leaders, to be mindful about the nature of our interactions, regardless of the topic being discussed. Read More
Compassionate Accountability, Decision Makers, Leadership, Providers, Speaking
Three Counter-Cultural Leadership Lessons From Pope Francis
The Pope's recent visit to the United States may have been disappointing for those expecting a rock star. His philosophy and approach are not how we typically characterize top leaders in our American culture. Regardless of your faith, nationality, or position, Pope Francis' counter-cultural message has leadership lessons for all of us. Read More
International Forum, Leadership, PCM, Speaking
Why A Thinker Won’t Get Elected President: My Analysis of Candidates – Round 2
In my previous two posts I described the four primary personality types characterizing the slate of 2016 presidential candidates, and used the Process Communication Model (PCM®) to analyze Sanders, Bush, Fiorina, Clinton, and a few others. In this post I’ll finish with my take on the rest of the slate. Read More
ComCorps, International Forum, Leadership, PCM, Speaking
What Do Fiorina And Sanders Have In Common? My Analysis of Presidential Candidates – Round 1
Using the Process Communication Model (PCM®) as a framework for analysis and prediction, here’s my take on Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, Bernie Sanders, and Marco Rubio. Read More