In Dr. Nate Regier’s books, Compassionate Accountability, Seeing People Through, Conflict Without Casualties, and Beyond Drama, you’ll find practical lessons, eye-opening insights and tangible strategies for developing the leadership and cultural habits to thrive.
We believe compassion and accountability should work in tandem to transform relationships, teams and work cultures. Each of our books provides solutions to help you build connection while getting results.
Never before in our history has the need for compassion AND accountability been greater. Everything from attracting and retaining top talent, to the success of your belonging initiatives, to your ability to innovate and adapt depends on it. Compassionate Accountability® is the new core competency and next differentiator for great leadership.
In Seeing People Through, Dr. Nate Regier walks through the Process Communication Model® and how it can be used to tap into leadership potential by embracing personality differences and fostering true connection in the workplace and beyond.
Through the principles of Compassionate Accountability, Dr. Nate Regier outlines how conflict can be reframed to create opportunities for growth. Based on lessons from Leading Out of Drama®, Conflict Without Casualties has the power to transform both professional and personal relationships.
A hit with critics and fans alike, Beyond Drama explores Next Element’s origins and core principles. The book is a treasure trove of insightful perspectives and tools that will equip you to turn the negative pull of drama and turn it into positive energy.