Do you want to deliver Compassionate Accountability® or The Process Communication Model® to your employees and clients? Join our global network of trainers that has touched thousands of lives across the world. 94% of participants rate our tools as superior to any others they have used. Find a leadership training certification below that is right for you or give us a call to learn more.
Start your journey with our signature eCourse: The Three Switches of The Compassion Mindset. You will learn about the big idea of Compassionate Accountability, what the Compassion Mindset is, and how to turn on your switches to build connections and get results.
Bring our signature Compassionate Accountability course to your organization at any scale. Help your people implement the mindset, skillset, and interaction template to make Compassionate Accountability part of your culture.
Our leadership training certifications are ideal for organizations with internal learning and development capabilities. Along with an enterprise license, we certify and support your trainers to deliver our signature Compassionate Accountability course within your organization. Certification in our other Compassionate Accountability courses and resources also is available.
Review the Details of Compassionate Accountability Facilitator Certification
Want a demo first? No problem.
Get certified to use our entire suite of Compassionate Accountability assessments and leadership development certification courses. Join our global network of trainers and coaches who are equipped to design and deliver Compassionate Accountability programs for all levels of an organization.
Ideal for independent trainers and training organizations who are looking for better tools to meet their clients’ needs.
Review the Details of Compassionate Accountability Provider Certification.
Step 1: Complete our Compassionate Accountability Core Concepts Course.
Step 2: Enroll in our Compassionate Accountability Provider Certification Course.
Gain access to our Compassionate Accountability Assessment and Comprehensive Insights Report to guide self-awareness, goal-setting, and personal development with your coaching clients. Join our global network of coaches and trainers.
Must be a coach certified by an accredited coaching organization.
Review the Details of Compassionate Accountability Coach Certification
Step 1: Complete our Compassionate Accountability Core Concepts Course.
Step 2: Enroll in our Compassionate Accountability Coach Certification Course.
Get certified to use the entire suite of Process Communication Model assessments and courses. Join our U.S. network of PCM Trainers who are equipped to design and deliver PCM programs for all levels of an organization.
Our PCM leadership training certification is ideal for independent trainers or training organizations who are looking for better tools to meet their client’s needs.
Review the Details of PCM Trainer Certification.
Step 1: Complete The Three Switches of The Compassion Mindset eCourse.
Step 2: Complete PCM Seminar 1.
Step 3: Complete PCM Seminar 2.
Gain access to the Process Communication Model Coaching Profile to guide self-awareness, goal-setting, and personal development with your clients. Join our U.S. network of PCM Coaches.
Ideal for professional coaches certified by an accredited coaching organization.
Review the Details of PCM Coach Certification.
Step 1: Complete The Three Switches of The Compassion Mindset eCourse.
Step 2: Complete PCM Seminar 1.
Step 3: Complete PCM Seminar 2.
of clients rate our method as superior to anything else they have used
improvement in teamwork
improvement in leadership skills
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