Next Element's blog offers a wealth of insights into leadership communication strategies, focusing on Compassionate Accountability® and effective leadership communication strategies. You'll find articles written by Dr. Nate Regier who delves into topics such as handling workplace conflict, the significance of genuine presence in leadership, and distinguishing between being nice, kind, and civil. By exploring these articles, leaders can enhance their communication skills, foster trust, and navigate conflicts with confidence.
Compassionate Accountability, Decision Makers, Leadership, LOD, Speaking, Trainers
How You Struggle When The Going Gets Tough?
We all know the experience of fighting for something, struggling for something we want or believe in. How do you judge the value of your struggle? There are three different kinds of struggling. Read More
Compassionate Accountability, Leadership, LOD
Leaders Embrace Choices AND Consequences
Do you want out of the corner? Find and embrace your choices. Own the consequences that accompany your decision. When you do this, even your suffering will have meaning. And when that happens, the corner disappears. Read More
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