Compassionate Accountability, Leadership, Leadership Communication, LOD, Team Leaders, Trainers
Three Kinds Of Lies, Three Kinds Of Crimes
I've discovered three kinds of lies, and they aren't distinguished by what we tell others, or even by the severity of the untruth. They are determined by the myths we use to justify the lie. Learn about the three kinds of lies, the crimes they cause, and what you can do to change. Read More
Leadership, Leadership Communication, PCM, Team Leaders, Trainers
What Skeletons Are You Revealing When You Talk?
Each of us has our own baggage, our secret beliefs that work against the spirit of OK-ness. Did you know that every time you open your mouth you are revealing your secret, even without awareness? Learn about Taibi Kahler's Miniscript discovery and decode the unhealthy beliefs revealed in sentence structure. Read More
ComCorps, Compassionate Accountability, Decision Makers, Leadership, PCM, Speaking, Team Leaders, Trainers
Locus Of Motivation And Leadership: What Kind of President Do You Want?
Locus of goal motivation can’t predict the what a person’s goals are (you’ll have to listen to the candidates to find that out), but it can tell you a lot about how they will behave in the future. What are the bright, and dark sides of type of motivation? Read More
Compassionate Accountability, Decision Makers, Leadership, PCM, Team Leaders, Trainers, Uncategorized
Power Struggles, Negative Contact, and Police Brutality
Those who find themselves in frequent power struggles with Rebels would be wise to recognize this simple fact: In distress Rebels don't care if they get hurt, as long as you do too. If it comes down to a show of force, you are most likely to lose because they simply don't care about consequences. Read More
ComCorps, International Forum, Leadership, PCM, Speaking
What Do Fiorina And Sanders Have In Common? My Analysis of Presidential Candidates – Round 1
Using the Process Communication Model (PCM®) as a framework for analysis and prediction, here’s my take on Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, Bernie Sanders, and Marco Rubio. Read More