ComCorps, Decision Makers, Leadership, PCM, Providers, Team Leaders, Trainers
Which Candidate Should You Pick? Look for Personality Agility
What makes a great leader? What essential skills will make a leader successful? What is the best leadership personality? Because we are in the business of developing great leaders, we frequently get asked these questions. Here’s what we do, and what we are learning. Read More
Compassionate Accountability, Leadership, Team Leaders, Trainers
Four Rituals Guaranteed To Make You A Better Leader
Most stress comes from trying to control things that are out of our control; the weather, the economy, the stock market, the competition, the latest trends, what's popular, other people's behavior. Here are four rituals anyone can develop to keep focus on what you can control. Read More
Decision Makers, Leadership, Team Leaders, Trainers
One Simple Way To Intimidate The Competition
I've noticed that when a team is winning their ritual is quite enthusiastic. When the team is losing, the enthusiasm of their ritual begins to wane. Whether on the court or in life, the easiest way to intimidate the competition is to amp up the energy of your rituals. Read More
Compassionate Accountability, Decision Makers, Leadership, Team Leaders
How to Keep Assumptions From Drowning Your Vision
If you've ever been confused and said, "But I thought we agreed to...", then you've been working off an assumption. Learn how to leverage assumptions for the team's benefit. Read More