The Surprisingly Small Gap Between Empathy and One-Upping
When it comes to empathy, there are basically three kinds of people; Narcissists, Masters, and Good-Hearted One-Uppers. If your intention is to show empathy in way that truly affirms the other person, here are tips to make sure you empathize instead of one-up. Read More
Compassionate Accountability, Decision Makers, Leadership, Speaking
Three Ways Politicians Can Make Progress in the Gun Control Debate
The topic of gun control is so emotionally charged that meaningful discourse is nearly impossible. It would be suicide for any presidential candidate to jump into this mess. What’s the problem and how do we make any progress? Read More
Compassionate Accountability, Leadership, LOD, Speaking, Trainers
One Simple Way to Improve Your Communication
Disclosing the motives behind our questions increases transparency, integrity, authenticity, and effective communication. It also increases the chance of positive conflict because it doesn't allow passive-aggressive behavior. Read More
Decision Makers, Leadership, Trainers
Four Leadership Tips to Get More Honest Feedback
Asking for feedback and actually getting it are two different things. It takes more than words to get people to take the risk of putting themselves out there. If you’ve asked for feedback and your people still aren’t shooting straight with you, here are some things you can do to help things along. Read More
Compassionate Accountability, Leadership, Speaking
Comfort the Afflicted, Afflict the Comfortable
My father had a huge heart for people who were suffering, a passion for justice, and continually pursued excellence in all he did. He had little patience for those who were entitled, complacent, or just a little too comfortable with themselves and their lives. Read More