Next Element trains and licenses professionals to independently use our Compassionate Accountability® tools in their work. Certification is based on the tool; The Compassion Mindset®, Process Communication Model® (PCM), and Leading Out of Drama® (LOD). Each certification has specific course and testing requirements and includes access to a suite of assessments and curriculum. All certifications include membership in Next Element’s global support network.
Compassion is the practice of demonstrating that humans are valuable, capable, and responsible in every interaction. Originating from the Latin root meaning “to struggle with,” compassion is much more than empathy in action. It’s about struggling alongside others in a spirit of dignity to create something amazing!
Compassion without accountability gets you nowhere. Accountability without compassion gets you alienated. Blending the two is the art and science of great leadership, and is the main purpose of our proprietary tools. Compassionate Accountability allows people to communicate with respect and dignity even during conflict and difficult conversations.
Next Element’s proprietary model for implementing Compassionate Accountability. The Compassion Cycle shows how to use Openness, Resourcefulness, and Persistence in strategic ways to balance compassion with accountability, even during difficult conversations and conflict.
For larger companies looking to embed Compassionate Accountability in multiple areas of their culture, The Compassion Mindset is the perfect solution. We’ve packaged Compassionate Accountability training, certification, licensing, and implementation for maximum efficiency and impact in larger organizations.
Conflict is the gap between what you want and what you are experiencing at any point in time. Conflict is neither good nor bad, but it generates energy that can be used positively in compassion, or negatively in drama. Next Element’s Leading Out of Drama and The Compassion Mindset programs teach people the tools for transforming the energy of conflict into positive results.
What happens when people struggle against each other and themselves, with or without awareness, to feel justified about their negative behavior. Drama is how conflict energy gets used negatively.
A model developed in 1968 by Dr. Stephen Karpman to describe three unhealthy behavioral roles people exhibit in distress; the Persecutor, Victim, and Rescuer.
Next Element’s Drama Resilience Assessment (DRA) measures a person’s risks in each three drama roles. Our Leading Out of Drama curriculum teaches how to recognize and reverse drama in every interaction.
Next Element is one of only two entities whom Dr. Karpman has officially permitted to use the Drama Triangle.
Verbal and non-verbal interactions between people that attend to both the content (what) and process (how) of communication. How people communicate is often more important than what they say. All of Next Element’s Compassionate Accountability tools teach insights and skills to improve second-by-second interpersonal communication, especially in situations where there is diversity of perspectives and high potential for conflict.
Intrapersonal is what happens within each of us. Internal dynamics can include self-talk, belief systems, habits, prior learning, self-concept and identity. Our advanced courses and coaching help clients identify inhibiting behaviors and learn healthier habits for greater resilience, authenticity, impact and happiness.
Next Element’s proprietary, context-sensitive outcomes measurement tool for measuring changes in self-efficacy. We use it to assess positive impact associated with personal and professional development programs. NEOS is available to certified LOD and PCM providers in the Next Element global network.
What’s the origin of our name? It’s not what happens to us that defines us. It’s what we do Next. Your next interaction is the most important one. Element represents both the smallest unit of an interaction, and our experience of flow when things are aligned – when we are “in our element.’ We help people chose what to do say and do next by attending to the most important elements of every interaction so that each person be in their element.
The Formula for Compassionate Accountability. ORPO is an acronym for Open-Resourceful-Persistent-Open, and is the template for engaging conflict with safety, curiosity, and consistency. All Leading Out of Drama and The Compassion Mindset programs teach how to use and apply ORPO in a range of situations.
Created by Dr. Taibi Kahler, PCM is an internationally acclaimed, reliable and validated behavioral communication model that can be used to decode and improve every human interaction.
The PCM personality profile reveals how a person perceives the world, how they communicate, how they are motivated and how they will behave in distress, and a host of other predictable communication dynamics.
PCM training teaches how to decode behavior and adapt communication to connect, motivate, and resolve conflict with any personality type. Known as “The tool to make a daily difference,” PCM equips you to find true connection, both with others and yourself.
Personality differences impact how a person perceives the world, prefers to communicate, is motivated, and miscommunicates with others in distress. Different personality types have significantly different needs and ways to contribute. Personality diversity also interacts with many other types of diversity.
PCM assessments and training give people much greater awareness and insight. Over 95% of our clients rate PCM as superior to any other model of communication and personality they have encountered.
Learning about differences is virtually worthless unless you also learn how to communicate effectively to respect and include those differences. Personality inclusion is the practice of inviting and leveraging personality diversity. Personality inclusive companies recognize the impact of factors such as social and physical environments, leadership and interaction styles, communication modalities, incentive systems, hiring and advancement practices, and cultural norms on personality.
PCM training closes the gap between personality awareness and inclusion.
A mobile application/quick reference guide for the Process Communication Model®. Download yours for free in the Apple App Store.
An individual’s belief in his or her capability to meet external demands. Self-efficacy reflects confidence in the ability to exert control over one’s own motivation, behavior and social environment. Self-efficacy is backed by over 40 years of research and is one of the greatest predictors of behavior. NEOS is Next-Element’s proprietary outcomes assessment used to measure changes in self-efficacy.
An individual’s ability to process emotional information and use it to navigate both inter- and intra-personal environments. Daniel Goleman, the father of emotional intelligence, has identified four quadrants of SEI; Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social-Awareness, and Social-Management. Next Element’s Compassionate Accountability tools address all four quadrants.