Diversity, Conflict, and Compassion: Synthesizing Fifteen Years of Research and Practice

Posted on January 31, 2024 by Nate Regier / 1 comments
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Conflict is an inevitable consequence of diversity. So how do we keep from destroying ourselves? The secret is within each of us.

The most basic human choice is this: Will you use conflict to create or destroy?

At Next Element, we’ve been researching and exploring the intersection of compassion and accountability for 15 years. Here’s the most succinct summary of what we’ve discovered that I can come up with. This is a synthesis of our research and experience, articulated within the books I’ve written.

Diversity of all kinds is part of the grand design of the universe. Regardless of what you believe about why we are here or what made us, diversity was baked in from the beginning.

Diversity inevitably leads to conflict. Different perspectives, backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences will lead to conflict.

Therefore, conflict must also be part of the grand design of the universe.

But why?

Because conflict is the most basic and plentiful source of energy on the planet.

So why does it cause so much trouble?

Because we are human and are bent on seeking justification instead of connection and effectiveness. Because of this, we misuse the energy of conflict in drama to struggle against each other and ourselves to feel justified about our negative behavior.

If conflict is part of the grand design of the universe, what’s its purpose?

Conflict isn’t the problem.

The purpose of conflict is to create. Humans are creators. We live to create. We are meant to create.

But how can we use conflict to create instead of destroy?

Compassion. Compassion is the antidote to drama.

Compassion is the means “to struggle with others, in a spirit of dignity, to create something amazing.”

Compassion is humanity’s redeeming quality.

But humans are capable of both drama and compassion.

So the most basic human choice is this: Will you use conflict to create or destroy? To struggle with others, or struggle against them?

Watch a clip of my conversation with Andrew Mason on the ProGuide Podcast where I lay it out.

Stop the drama, but not the conflict.

We have dedicated our careers at Next Element to creating frameworks, tools, and strategies that help people apply the energy of conflict toward creative rather than destructive ends. It’s called Compassionate Accountability®.

Why Compassionate Accountability is the next Leadership Superpower

This Spring we will launch the Compassion Insights Report – a comprehensive assessment that maps out how a person uses the energy of conflict. It reveals Drama Risks, Compassion Skills, and a host of other insights along the way, including your Drama Resilience Index. Not only will it tell you where you are, but it will provide a roadmap for positive growth. And it can measure change along the way.

Stay tuned.

Copyright Next Element Consulting, LLC 2024

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Photo of LaRita
Posted on February 12, 2024

I’m so excited for the Compassion Insights Report! Thank you for helping to make the world a kinder and more effective place to live … and work.

Photo of Nate Regier
Nate Regier
Posted on February 13, 2024

Thank you, LaRita. Thank you for helping to spread the love!

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