How Conflict Supports Flourishing
Share viaUnless we teach people how to have healthy conflict, we will fall short in our efforts to support flourishing. Conflict done right brings people closer together, increases trust, builds intimacy, changes our hearts and minds, and leads to greater performance.
On March 11-13, 2024 we will be attending the Transform conference in Las Vegas. We present and exhibit at plenty of events each year, but this one is extra special. That’s because we are showing up differently, with a remarkable group of people.
On March 11 we will be part of a pre-conference event called The Science of Flourishing and the ROI of Care. This event is being organized by a partner of ours, Compassion2.0. We will also be exhibiting within “The Flourishing Village,” a selected group of providers who focus on helping organizations flourish. We are proud to be part of this.
What is Flourishing?
Flourishing is a state of thriving when conditions support optimal functioning. At Transform, attendees will hear from scientists, practitioners, developers, thought leaders, and investors who will argue that flourishing is attainable and good for business.
Our work with organizational transformation threads together diversity, conflict, adaptive communication, and Compassionate Accountability®.
So how does flourishing fit in?
Compassionate Accountability is a fundamental component of flourishing. Compassion without accountability gets you nowhere. Just being kind and alleviating suffering doesn’t ensure high performance in the face of challenges. Conversely, accountability without compassion creates toxic cultures where people don’t feel safe. Blending compassion and accountability in every interaction ensures that we uplift the human and affirm their value and capability while also ensuring that we achieve our goals and mission.
Compassionate Accountability requires conflict.
Conflict Supports Flourishing
Conflict is a natural and necessary consequence of diversity. Affirming and nurturing diversity is a necessary part of flourishing. Avoiding the conflict undermines flourishing. When we tiptoe around difficult conversations, avoid talking about harmful behavior, or hope that being kind will somehow fix our differences, we block the transformative power of conflict and the potential for flourishing.
Conflict done right brings people closer together, increases trust, builds intimacy, changes our hearts and minds, and leads to greater performance. That’s the essence and true meaning of compassion – to suffer alongside others. The purpose is in the struggle.
Conflict done wrong is drama and moves us away from flourishing.
How to break free from workplace drama with a Compassionate Accountability narrative.
Want to gain insight into how you do conflict and your capabilities to apply Compassionate Accountability? Stay tuned for the launch of our new Compassion Insights Report.
Case Example
We train and coach people on how to do conflict with Compassionate Accountability. Here’s a note I received from a client recently.
“I was terrified of starting a conversation by telling someone I felt angry. But with your Compassionate Accountability conversation template, it worked. The other person also shared what they were struggling with, we came to an understanding, and we set new boundaries. They even offered a sincere apology. I feel more connected and inspired to support them instead of wanting to sabotage them.”
In this video, a call center manager describes the breakthroughs she saw after applying Compassionate Accountability.
Is an unhealthy relationship with conflict holding you back from flourishing?
Conflict is not the enemy. It’s the energy source. Unless we teach people how to have healthy conflict, we will fall short in our efforts to support flourishing.
Copyright Next Element Consulting, LLC 2024
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