My Top 6 Leadership Resources To Build Your Communication Skills
Share viaThere are a lot of definitions of leadership. We define leadership as “Influencing diversity towards shared goals.” A recent podcast guest of mine has another great definition, “Doing what you love, but through other people.” Regardless of your definition, leadership comes to life through communication.
Leadership Resources to Drastically Improve Communication
Here are my top six resources to improve leadership skills; 1) Compassion, 2) Making a difference instead of making a point, 3) Believing in your people, 4) Avoiding bad decisions, 5) Making better decisions, and 6) Mastering different styles of communication.
The Three Most Important Skills of Great Leaders
Compassion is the practice of demonstrating that people are valuable, capable and responsible. And it takes a lot more than just empathy and kindness. Inspired by one of Simon Sinek’s most compelling speeches, I review the three critical skills and leadership tools that every leader should possess.
Making a Point VS Making a Difference
Many leaders face this dilemma at one point or another; their behavior pushes them further away from what they really want, but they can’t see it. If you are a mission-driven, passionate leader, this post will help you recognize your self-sabotaging behaviors and how to make a bigger difference in the world.
I Believe in You
As a leader, believing in someone can have a profound impact on those you lead. It’s more than a nice thing to say, more than something we yell from the sidelines before a big point. What are the leadership tools and behaviors that truly inspire others to rise?
Six Ways To Make Bad Decisions
Leaders make better decisions when they are healthy, self-aware, and playing to their personality-based strengths. In distress, those same personalities make terrible decisions because they sacrifice their best selves for negative intentions. Find out where you are most likely to slip, acquire the leadership resources, and determine how it compromises your integrity, performance and wellbeing.
Six Ways To Make Better Decisions
Not everyone makes good decisions in the same way. Understanding the six different decision-making styles helps leaders play to their own strengths, and coach others to make better decisions using their own natural styles or leadership tools. One size doesn’t fit all, and leaders who embrace this reality will perform better.
Four Styles of Communication Every Leader Should Master
How you say something is often more important than what you say. Great leaders adapt their communication based on HOW their people want to hear the message. Learn four styles of communication that will help you adapt how you deliver your important messages so that more people will actually hear and pay attention. These are crucial resources to improve leadership skills in your organization.
Copyright Next Element Consulting, LLC 2022
Boost Your Leadership Communication Skills
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