Compassionate Accountability, Decision Makers, Leadership, Leadership Communication, Team Leaders
Are Your Company Policies Promoting Weak Leadership?
In a recent “Ask the Expert” article I read, the expert's solution to a reader’s complaint about a co-worker who clips her fingernails in a public space was to recommend the supervisor issue a company-wide directive prohibiting the behavior. The rationale was that this behavior could easily escalate into flossing teeth and trimming nose hairs. This is a typical response we see from leaders. And, it suffers from three false beliefs that drive the ever-expanding and confounding policy manual in many organizations. Read More
ComCorps, Compassionate Accountability, Decision Makers, Leadership, PCM, Providers, Team Leaders, Trainers
The Authentic Leader’s Secret Weapon: Emotional Motives
Persons who identify, disclose, and experience emotional motives can engage in healthy problem-solving, transparent relationships, and effective resolution of problems. Leaders who master this art can develop deeper levels of authenticity. Read More
Compassionate Accountability, Decision Makers, Leadership, PCM, Team Leaders, Trainers, Uncategorized
Power Struggles, Negative Contact, and Police Brutality
Those who find themselves in frequent power struggles with Rebels would be wise to recognize this simple fact: In distress Rebels don't care if they get hurt, as long as you do too. If it comes down to a show of force, you are most likely to lose because they simply don't care about consequences. Read More
Decision Makers, Leadership, Speaking, Team Leaders, Uncategorized
Want Unlimited Vacation? First Get Your Culture Right.
LinkedIn is the latest employer to offer their employees unlimited vacation. At Next Element we have an unlimited vacation policy, and we've learned that for it to work, several conditions must be present in our work culture. Read More
Compassionate Accountability, Leadership, LOD, Speaking, Trainers
One Simple Way to Improve Your Communication
Disclosing the motives behind our questions increases transparency, integrity, authenticity, and effective communication. It also increases the chance of positive conflict because it doesn't allow passive-aggressive behavior. Read More
Compassionate Accountability, Leadership, LOD, Speaking
A Working Definition of Drama
It's easy to identify the behaviors of drama: gossip, secrets, triangulating, blaming, avoiding, blowing up...the list goes on. A working definition that helps us get a handle on it is a bit more difficult. Read More